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Operation Stall Vickie
�Well?� Vickie said, looking expectantly from Garal to Amatsu.
�Well...� said Garal.
�...what?� finished Amatsu.
�Well, what next?� Vickie said impatiently. �We kacked the wen-ju, we got the macguffin, so why have we been sitting here for the past hour and a half? We are supposed to be saving Jack and co with this gadget, right? Doesn�t it work?�
�Of course it works,� said Garal.
�Then what do we do with it now?�
�Uh...� said Garal.
�...we...� said Amatsu.
�...wait,� finished Garal.
�Dammit, guys!� Vickie snapped her gum angrily. �Look, if you wanted someone for a waiting mission, you should have got Flicker or Praxis or someone to come with you. I could be on another dimension doing something interesting right now!�
�We could not have defeated the wu-jen without your assistance, Miss Dare.�
�Look, we have to wait for Khyrisse�s signal,� Garal sighed. �If I activate the miasma crystals before she�s found Jack and Ebreth, they�ll be stuck there.�
�Well, what�s taking her so long? Geez, is she stuck in molasses?� She frowned on her two friends. �And I thought you said we couldn�t communicate with Khyrisse while she was in the Hotel.�
�We cannot, but--she can send a message to us.�
�A psionic pulse signal,� Garal added. �To Amatsu. Because of his wild talent.�
�Khyrisse isn�t psionic.�
�She brought Tarrin with her,� Amatsu explained.
Vickie made an exasperated sigh and flopped back down. �You two really owe me for this, you realize.�
�This one apologizes,� Amatsu bowed humbly.
�And if this drags out much longer, I�m going to take things into my own hands and create a real plot for us.�
�I�m sure it won�t come to that,� Garal said meekly, glancing nervously at his magic watch.
�It had better not.�
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