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'Does the moon look bigger to you tonight?'

The Book of Ataniel

Rust and Redemption

�This place is a Madhouse,� stated the Fourth Aspect, stepping through a seam of light and darkness into Coyote Jay�s salon. �Is this your new Strategy, Jay? To throw as many mortals as you can Find into the fire, in Hopes one might fall your way?�

�If it were, I wouldn�t have started with a bunch of heroes,� Coyote Jay sighed. �The only one of that lot who�s even eligible for my ranks is the witch girl, and I think Beliath�s got a lock on her.�

�Don�t feel Bad,� the Sidhe comforted. �Yours is the hardest row to hoe, Jay. We all Know this.�

�As if that helps me any. It�s been a bad year for redemption, Cath�ir. Everyone�s too busy just keeping their heads above water.� He picked up a Jacobs-ladder in his long hands. �I thought those Hell escapees might be my ticket, but the damn devils have reclaimed them all. Tor�s the only one left. Him and Omeria�s lot, and they�ve already signed with Beliath.�

�Beliath certainly is having a Banner year,� the Fourth Aspect agreed.

Coyote Jay wound the Jacobs-ladder up distractedly. �You made any tonight?�

�The fallen Goddess. Not entirely Unexpected, but it is always good to have Things formalized.� She smiled, or at least the half of her face that was not in perpetual shadow smiled. Jay could never really be sure about the other half. �I doubt there will be more for Me, not now. I�ll be keeping my Eye on the lad. These souls are not exactly as Ripe as most of the ones who Pass this way.� Coyote Jay nodded. �Maeve has hopes of Turning one or two of them, and I Fear she may succeed. Ah well, you win some, you Lose some; there are enough souls to go Around. Is he really your Last chance, this one?�

�It�s looking more and more like it,� said Jay, and tilted his hand forward so that the Jacobs-ladder went cascading down in a clatter of ribbons and wood. Backwards, and it began again. �I still think I have a shot at the jester, but it won�t be any time soon. They take time, these things.� He paused, and tilted the Jacobs-ladder forward again. It fell as implacably as the rain. �I don�t have any more time, Cathy,� Coyote Jay said.

�You have all the time in the world,� she pointed out. �In Here.�

The Jacobs-ladder ran back up its length and folded itself neatly into his hand.

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'Does the moon look bigger to you tonight?'

Native languages of America * Minsi * Indian beadwork * Cherokee Nc * Small tribal tattoos