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Hey! You! With The Word Processor! Pay Attention To Me!
�You know, Matsie,� Vickie said, knocking one of the yuan-ti halfway across the room with a swinging kick from her
denim boot, �there�s something that�s just not right about all this.�
�How so?� said the ninja, slashing implacably away at his reptilian opponent.
�Well, where are the devilish traps? Have you ever been in the dungeon of a mad Oriental sorcerer that didn�t have any
devilish traps in it?�
�What about the pendulum blade in the anteroom?� Garal demanded.
�Oh, c�mon, that was nothing. It didn�t even hit you.�
�Because I�m 3�8�! Six inches taller and it would probably have split my skull open.�
�Few wu-jens in this region build their dungeons with halfling intruders in mind,� Amatsu agreed, severing one
of the yuan-ti�s four arms.
�That�s not the point.� Vickie tumbled artfully out of the way of one of the monsters�tridents. �It�s like nobody
here was expecting us.�
�Why would they be expecting us,� Garal huffed.
�Because we�re adventurers, Garry, and people pay attention to us.� She grabbed a statuette off the mantel
and sent it caroming off the yuan-ti�s scaly head. The monster groaned and sank to its side, but the mantel and the statuette
did nothing remarkable. �When we move around new plots stir up, and when we go after McGuffins, they take on lives of their
own. It�s a Heisenberg kinda thing. When we focus on something that changes it. It�s always been that way.� She yanked the
tatami mat out from under the third yuan-ti, depositing it on its rear. �This... feels more like busy work. Somehow. No one really
cares about this crystal thingamajig but us, and I can�t for the life of me figure out why.�
�Not every meaningful task is glorious, Miss Dare.�
�I know that, it just...� The secret agent sighed, and deflected a nunchuk shot with her forearm. �Oh, never mind.
It�s probably just my time of the month or something.�
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Cherokee Indian
Tribal tattoos letters