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We Shall Overcome
Khyrisse pushed the door open with her lantern, tentatively. This room looked like a paved road leading over
a river to a city. Whatever this Hotel was, it defied all Khyrisse knew about the Insides of Objects, and it was starting to hurt her head.
On the bridge was the silhouette of a black man, and she quickened her pace, then stopped dead in her tracks as he turned, for
it was not Ebreth. �M-Marlukin?� she gasped.
��,� the god replied, and Khyrisse came close to fainting with the rightness of it, the melodious three-layered sound that
no mortal could reproduce, something it seemed like she hadn�t heard in a lifetime: her divine Name. �You�ve come.�
�What--what are you doing here?� gasped Khyrisse, blood roaring in her ears.
�Waiting for you, of course.� Marlukin�s voice was as resonant and unsmiling as she remembered it. �You passed your final
Test, Khyrisse. You are ready to Ascend.�
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