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'Does the moon look bigger to you tonight?'

The Book of Ataniel

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

�What do you mean they already left?� Vickie demanded. �Didn�t you get my message?�

�Uh,� stammered Garal, �well, yes, but, uh-- Jack and Ebreth, they--�

�Time was of the essence,� Amatsu clarified quietly. �Lady Starshadow has asked Garal and myself to travel to Shikintu to secure the team�s safe return. The journey to the Hotel could not wait... but there is still much to do on this side, if our friends are to survive their quest.� He paused. �We could use your help, if you are willing.�

Vickie frowned. It sounded sensible enough, but something about it was making her spider sense tingle. �I thought this Hotel was some kind of extradimensional rig,� she said. �What�s an adventure in Shikintu got to do with anything? You sure Khyrisse isn�t just giving us make-work to keep us out of her hair, or something?�

�The Lady Starshadow has always been most grateful of this one�s help in the past,� said Amatsu.

Garal cleared his throat. �Actually, all extradimensional spaces intersect with dimensional ones on a multiphasic level,� he said meekly. �In order to cross the positronic barrier back to the prime material, you have to have a planar anchor... if we can find a few high-density miasma crystals, I can set up a tachyonic pulse emitter to guide them home. Otherwise Khyrisse and the others might be stranded there too.�

Vickie squinted at the halfling. She never understood more than half of his technobabble anyway, but that offering was particularly obtuse. Oh, what the heck, Dare; stop being so paranoid. Garry knows what he�s doing. If he says we need a tachyonic miasma whatchamacallit, we probably do. �All right, I�m game,� she said, and gave a a resigned grin. �I was just really looking forward to the Hotel, that�s all. Boy, would those towels have looked cool in my apartment.�

�This one is sure we will find some... equally cool... souvenirs on our leg of the mission, as well.� Amatsu bowed seriously.

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'Does the moon look bigger to you tonight?'

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